Saturday, April 28, 2007

Eeyore's Birthday 2007

Hey all! LD and I had a great time at Eeyore's Birthday on Saturday. It was hot- summer isn't here yet, but it we got a pre-view :-)

Lindsey and Don were there and I brought Katy and Ziggy with me. Lindsey got a lovely henna tatoo. I had some corn dogs and beer, sat in the drum circle, cheered at the sack-races and paid my respects at the Eeyore of Liberty.

Eeyore's Birthday Party is an annual day-long festival that has been a part of Austin culture for 44 years. First and foremost the party is a watch and be watched event - costumes/dogs/children welcome. It is also a fund-raiser to benefit non-profit groups in Austin. These groups sell hot and cold food (including vegetarian), soft drinks, juices, water, and lots and lots of Texas beer - Live Oak, Real Ale, Shiner, and many others.

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